SmurfRealm Anti-Fraud Policy

At SmurfRealm, we are committed to maintaining the integrity of our services and protecting our customers from fraudulent activities. Any attempt at chargeback fraud or credit card fraud with malicious intent will result in severe consequences. Our policy is as follows:

  1. Account Recovery: In the event of chargeback fraud or credit card fraud, where a customer attempts to obtain our services without proper payment, we reserve the right to recover the purchased account or product.
  2. Fight Against Unfair Chargebacks: We will actively dispute and fight against any unfair chargebacks initiated by customers who have received our services or products. We will provide evidence and documentation to prove the legitimacy of the transaction.
  3. Legal Action: Depending on the severity of the case, we reserve the right to take legal action against individuals or parties involved in fraudulent activities. This may include contacting local authorities and pursuing legal remedies to address the fraud.
  4. Banning and Blacklisting: Individuals found to be engaging in fraudulent activities will be banned from accessing our services and may be blacklisted from future transactions. We will take proactive measures to prevent repeat offenses.

We take fraud prevention seriously to protect our customers and maintain the trust and integrity of our business. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our anti-fraud policy, please contact our customer support team at [email protected].